Our favorite course

Jouvence Prestige

8 week course
Includes 4 hours of personalized coaching that gives quicker results.

And several other online courses on demand

All our Elixir packages include 30 minutes of personalized coaching via zoom.

Jouvence for the self-taught

Elixir - For Your Eyes

Elixir for your beautiful eyes

Élixir front

Elixir for a smoother forehead

Élixir cou machoir

Elixir for a firmer neck and jawline

Élixir bouche

Elixir to keep your smile bright

Elixir - For the Lips

Elixir for your plump lips

Elixir – For the Cheeks

Elixir for your lovely cheeks

Elixir – For the Nasolabial Folds

Elixir for nasolabial folds – smile lines

Our “MINI” training packages for self-study

Elixir - For Your Eyes

Mini Elixir – For the eyes

Élixir front

Mini Elixir – For the forehead

Élixir cou machoir

Mini Elixir – Neck and Jaw

Marie-Reine Kabis

Book your Private Consultation

1 hour with Marie-Reine via zoom!


Price $140