Discover Facial Yoga

Face Yoga is a safe and risk-free natural method to rejuvenate your face. Incorporate few effective exercises into your daily routine to quickly see improvements.

Harmonious formula between body and mind.

Download your video :
Radiant Face Ritual to start your transformation with 4 exercises to wake up your face in the morning!

I participate in the Win Win Women network a platform that helps women achieve excellence in all areas of their lives, both personally and professionally.

Attend my presentations via the WWW website or via the Win Win Women application on one of these platforms

NATURAL & EFFECTIVE Anti-Aging Method for

Are you tired of all the very expensive creams, serums or Botox that are offered to you?

Well let me guide you through the well-kept secrets of FACIAL YOGA! It has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of aging on your skin.

I want women to love themselves and see how beautiful they are at any age!

I want women to love themselves and find themselves beautiful at any age!

Because you have everything to gain…

Key Benefits of Facial Yoga

Reverse the effects of time by 5 years and enjoy your face with fewer lines and wrinkles and a radiant complexion.

  • Reduce forehead wrinkles, 11 lines, headaches and migraines.
  • Diminish dark circles, crow’s feet and droopy eyelids.
  • Lessen your double chin and sagging skin.
  • Lift your smile as well as your jowls.
  • Obtain a more symmetrical face.
  • Reduce TMJ and tension to the neck and shoulders.

Now it’s time to take care of yourself!

Choose one of our online courses,
there is something for everyone!

4 Media articles …

FACE YOGA the star of the web

Facial Yoga the star of the web

Thursdays at 12pm Eastern Standard Time

Discover how to respect your body by practicing a unique and natural technique for a younger, firmer and radiant face. Learn all kinds of healthy tips to enjoy your new chapter in life. Beautiful connection between the mind and body. Look and feel your best at any age!

Find the flow to your glow

Skin Envie Boutique – January 2020

As we welcome 2020, we celebrate youthfulness and being young at heart. Marie-Reine Kabis shares the ultimate anti-ageing solution to a more youthful you. Discover her unique and innovative approach to controlling the natural ageing process…


Du yoga pour tonifier le visage

Mieux-Être – February 2020

Article in french | Le Yoga Facial permet de tonifier et de raffermir les muscles du visage tout en douceur et naturellement sans besoin d’injection ou de passer sous le bistouri.


Vieillir en beauté

Châtelaine – November 2019

Article in french | Quelques minutes d’exercices faciaux chaque jour pour une peau plus ferme, des traits mieux définis et des rides moins apparentes ? Tout cela sans seringue ni bistouri ? C’est ce que promettent les tenants du yoga facial, de la gymnastique faciale ou du massage kobiyoko.

Boomers & Cie

Retrouvez votre éclat de jeunesse AU NATUREL

Boomers & Cie -December 2019

Article in french | Nous avons toutes et tous qu’avec l’âge, notre métabolisme ralenti. Afin de renforcer ce dernier, la stimulation d’ une bonne circulation sanguine est primordiale et représente l’ une de clés de la préservation de la santé.

A real honor

I was honored to be picked as an instructor to represent Face Yoga Method to be featured on their blog that travels around the world.

I was honored to be chosen as a Face Yoga Method teacher by founder Fumiko Takatsu.

You can’t resist and want to try the FACIAL YOGA? Marie-Reine offers you your Radiant Face Ritual for free! Start your transformation.

Our services

We have a service for all your FACIAL YOGA needs.

Check them out, you deserve it!

What people are saying about

Marie-Reine’s FACIAL YOGA

Interested in FACIAL YOGA?


Book your Private Consultation

1 hour via zoom with Marie-Reine!

Our valued clients

Now it’s time to take care of yourself!

Choose one of our online courses,
there is something for everyone!