Face Yoga is a safe and risk-free natural method to rejuvenate your face. Incorporate few effective exercises into your daily routine to quickly see improvements.
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Radiant Face Ritual to start your transformation with 4 exercises to wake up your face in the morning!
Are you tired of all the very expensive creams, serums or Botox that are offered to you?
Well let me guide you through the well-kept secrets of FACIAL YOGA! It has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of aging on your skin.
I want women to love themselves and see how beautiful they are at any age!
Thursdays at 12pm Eastern Standard Time
Discover how to respect your body by practicing a unique and natural technique for a younger, firmer and radiant face. Learn all kinds of healthy tips to enjoy your new chapter in life. Beautiful connection between the mind and body. Look and feel your best at any age!
Skin Envie Boutique – January 2020
As we welcome 2020, we celebrate youthfulness and being young at heart. Marie-Reine Kabis shares the ultimate anti-ageing solution to a more youthful you. Discover her unique and innovative approach to controlling the natural ageing process…
Mieux-Être – February 2020
Article in french | Le Yoga Facial permet de tonifier et de raffermir les muscles du visage tout en douceur et naturellement sans besoin d’injection ou de passer sous le bistouri.
Châtelaine – November 2019
Article in french | Quelques minutes d’exercices faciaux chaque jour pour une peau plus ferme, des traits mieux définis et des rides moins apparentes ? Tout cela sans seringue ni bistouri ? C’est ce que promettent les tenants du yoga facial, de la gymnastique faciale ou du massage kobiyoko.
Boomers & Cie -December 2019
Article in french | Nous avons toutes et tous qu’avec l’âge, notre métabolisme ralenti. Afin de renforcer ce dernier, la stimulation d’ une bonne circulation sanguine est primordiale et représente l’ une de clés de la préservation de la santé.
We have a service for all your FACIAL YOGA needs.
Check them out, you deserve it!
Thank you Marie-Reine for sharing your passion with me! I am so glad I got introduced to Face Yoga by a wonderful, attentive, passionate and confident person like you. Your positive energy was contagious and I’ am looking forward to continuing the path you paved for me. Thank you for all the tricks and the exercises you taught me…It was perfect for a full-time employee like me and especially easy to find time for …NO EXCUSES!
- Racha Yammine
Thank you for making me discover Face Yoga! After only 4 weeks of exercising my facial muscles, I already see a significant change in my glow and unlike the frozen look of Botox treatments, my skin feels and looks younger. Also, with Marie-Reine’s classes, I learned how to relax my facial muscles which are helping me do less facial movements that are not needed and may only create unwanted lines. In addition, attending Marie’s classes do not only bring a visual change but also a soothing feeling of warmth and understanding. I did my exercises almost every day and I will definitely continue because the results are just FABULOUS! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For giving me a healthier and easier option to looking and feeling good.
- Pina Langella
Oh yes, I am excited to tell about my experience with just a few exercises you taught me. Even my sons see the difference of my facial expressions being more relaxed and they also noticed the change in the glow. My mom visited yesterday, and she noticed too, well she did not know I did the facial exercise, but she complimented my face, that I look really good and so relaxed.
- Desiree Arnold
I never knew how much of a difference purposefully strengthening facial muscles could make. Marie’s way of calmly explaining various exercises, along with illustrations of muscles makes a lot of sense. I love the way Marie is an example of the success of this method.
- Julie
After one session with Marie, my face pain began to diminish as did the lines between my forehead. My drooping eyelids looked a little less puffy. It’s amazing to see results, let alone feel them. This is a practice I could get behind daily!
- Trudy Gertrude
My first experience doing face yoga was very interesting. Being a trainer myself, I know how our body muscles work but never realized that the face has so many muscles that also need to be worked on. Marie was very professional to guide me through the steps of working every single muscle. I think it’s great to incorporate these exercises in our daily routine, especially that they can be done anywhere anytime. It felt good afterward.
- Marina T
I first met Marie when she gave an introductory face yoga session after my regular yoga class, and since I enjoyed it, I registered for her course. During the first session, while applying Marie's brow smoothing techniques, I was surprised to learn that I had a super painful (and visible) knot in my left eyebrow. I continued working on my eyebrows over the course of the week (generally every other day) and found that I still had the same pain, along with "new" tender eyebrow areas. Since the pain wasn't abating, I figured that I would always have these painful knots, which was disconcerting. But at our next class, I discovered that the knot was gone, my brow line was back to looking smooth, and I no longer had any pain in my eyebrows. Hallelujah!! If I had not taken Marie's class, I would have never known that the lump in my eyebrow did not need to be a "permanent" a resident on my face, so thank you, Marie!
-Shira L.
Pardon the pun, but Face Yoga classes with Marie were a real eye-opener! The detailed information that Marie shared made me aware for the first time of the many muscles in my face and armed me with exercises targeted to tone and firm them as I do the rest of my body. My Face Yoga poses energize both my body and soul ( as a good yoga practice should! ) and provide me with the techniques I need to put my best and happiest face forward! Marie’s knowledgeable explanations and constant encouragement made the classes a pleasure to attend. Whatever the long- term results might prove to be, I find there is an immediate benefit in feelings of relaxation and wellbeing that flow from completing a sequence of poses. As an added bonus, I often found myself laughing while learning under Marie’s gentle and nurturing direction.
- Kathryn C.
Yesterday evening I had a breakthrough, The exercise felt different. As I finally had breath and visualization in tune with the parts involved in each position. I love kissing the ceiling, my hole jawline feels relaxed, and the sternocleidomastoideus muscle, and my lips and cheeks... I cannot wait to learn more. I also managed to be at ease and relaxed when doing it. Before I always had to tell my self, breathe Desiree breathe, relax the shoulders, gentle. The gentler I am I feel the sensations that happen in those areas it worked even better. I also had a little scrape, and it healed so much faster than usual.
- Desiree Arnold
Marie is very passionate about her practice and genuinely likes helping people. She is very kind, patient and easily relates to everyone. Our class was small and intimate which allowed everyone to get to know one another and made us feel comfortable while laughing at all our funny faces! Face Yoga Passion helped me by teaching me that I can reduce the level of tension and knots in my face. I would recommend Face Yoga Passion to anyone who is looking for "me time", "we time", myofascial release of the face, or to simply look younger.
- Shira L.
It was a very fulfilling session. I felt more relaxed after the breathing and my body was more opened and well oxygenated. The exercises, even from the first session made me feel good.
- Amal Tabri
Marie is generous with her time and gave us a beginner’s course. Very helpful in understanding the basic exercises. It’ s an immediate toning of the face and relaxation of the whole body. Well prepared, well presented and very efficient. I felt an immense relief.
- Mona Amassian
This was a great workshop. Marie was calm, professional & gave very thorough information for each exercise. I will definitely use the exercises to improve my facial muscles and appearance.
- Lynn Muir
Very informative. Made aware of muscles I didn’t know I had.
- Sue Muir
Very informative, interesting exercises! Everything was well explained clear.
- Leslie Beaulac
Very interesting, changed how I thought you should exercise your face. I would love to buy a video on the exercise.
- Susan Bourke
The exercises were easy to do and made my face and neck feel wonderful afterward.
- Anonymous